8 Ways to Tell if Your Business is Really a Job

The ultimate test of your business can be found in a simple question: would someone want to buy your company? Whether you want to sell next year or a decade from now, you must be building an asset someone would buy – otherwise you have a job, not a business. Here are eight ways to [...]

The Problem With Loving Your Business

Early in my corporate career I was in a team meeting where the manager asked us all to answer the following question: what are you motivated by? Sensing a trap, I kept quiet and let my unsuspecting co-workers take the bait. It was only a matter of seconds before somebody wearing his Gordon Gekko hat [...]

Monthly Motivation for Selling Your Business 01.14

Following is a short recap of some of the best articles I’ve recently read on selling a business, buying a business, business value, as well as other useful nuggets of small-business wisdom. [Photos are from my travels around Main Street USA.] When Selling a Business, Don’t Waste a Buyer’s Time – This post addresses how to answer [...]

Celebrate National Small Business Week!

This week is National Small Business Week! While we’re always singing the praises of small-business ownership here at Synergy, we’ll be taking this opportunity to share “50 Ways to Celebrate National Small Business Week” on our Twitter feed every day this week. If you’re not following us on Twitter yet, our handle is .

Raising kids to be entrepreneurs

I guess it should come as no surprise that in over two years of business blogging for the New York Times my most popular post had almost nothing to do with small business.